Abdul Hamid Zargar, MBBS, M.D., D.M.
Raveendran A.V., MBBS., M.D.
(Synopsized and excerpted from an article in Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine)
An estimated 50 million patients with diabetes worldwide practice daily fasting during Ramadan. According to the “Multi-Country Retrospective Observational Study of the Management and Outcome of Patients with Diabetes During Ramadan”, conducted in 13 countries, 94.2% of Muslim diabetic patients fasted at least 15 days and 67.6% of these fasted every day.
The goal of caring for diabetic patients during Ramadan is to:
1. HYPOGLYCEMIA: Decrease in blood glucose level that could possibly be dangerously low it cause serious complications. The risk is 4.7 times and 7.5 times for type 1 and type 2 diabetes respectively.
2. HYPERGLYCEMIA: Increase in blood glucose level way beyond normal range that could cause symptoms and other metabolic complications. The risk is 3.2 times and 5 times for type 1 and type 2 diabetes, respectively.
3. DEHYDRATION & CLOT FORMATION: Patients can become deficient in water content of the body by poor intake due to fasting and loss of water from body due to increased blood glucose levels. Diabetes by itself is a condition prone to develop clot in the blood, the dehydration can increase this risk further.
Following recommendations from those who have diabetes and intend to fast in Ramadan, are scientifically based and should be carefully followed;
If you are able to avoid hypoglycemia (excessive drop in blood glucose level), fasting in Ramadan may be accomplished without much hardship and in a way will have a beneficial effect on body by helping you lose weight. Fasting could be a blessing especially for obese persons, for overweight has a direct deleterious effect on diabetes and its management.
With millions of Americans at least partly immunized against the coronavirus, and millions more joining the ranks every day, the urgent question on many minds is: When can I throw away my mask? It’s a deeper question than it seems — about a return to normalcy, about how soon vaccinated Americans can hug loved ones, get together with friends, and go to concerts, shopping malls and restaurants without feeling threatened by the coronavirus.
Certainly many state officials are ready. On Tuesday, Texas lifted its mask mandate, along with all restrictions on businesses, and Mississippi quickly followed suit. Governors in both states cited declining infection rates and rising numbers of citizens getting vaccinated.
But the pandemic is not yet over, and scientists are counseling patience.
It seems clear that small groups of vaccinated people can get together without much worry about infecting one another. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is expected shortly to issue new guidelines that will touch on small gatherings of vaccinated Americans.
Don’t think that modern medicine is skeptical of natural medicine and healing. At Harvard Medical School, more and more clinical studies have focused on these topics. The following conclusions are the result of such studies coming from them: