The Heart and Soul of Iqbal

A VOICE FROM BEYOND There comes a voice at the dawn from empyrean: How did the jewel of your intellect get lost? How did your incisive lancet of enquiry lost its sharpness, why are you unable to explore the hearts of the stars above? Don't you deserve to rule in....................

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The Heart and Soul of Iqbal

Those who pounced upon with the eaglish splendor, were found wingless without plumage. The stars of evening sank in the blood of the sunset but rose again. Those who masterly swam under the sea were buried by the ocean, But those who suffered the slaps of the waves arose becoming....................

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The Heart and Soul of Iqbal

As the star of your destiny started shining, You were picked up and brought from Abyssinia to Hijaz* Your desolate heart then gleamed with life and your slavery became more precious than thousand freedoms That threshold not even for a moment you could leave in some one's Love you relished....................

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The Heart and Soul of Iqbal

The Intellect & The Heart One day reason said to the heart: I am a guide for those who are lost. I live on earth, but I roam the skies- just see the vastness of my reach. My task in the world is to guide and lead, I am like....................

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The Heart and Soul of Iqbal

Though reason to the portal guide, yet entry to it is denied. Beg God to grant a lighted heart, For light and sight are things apart. Though knowledge lends to mind a glow, No hoor is its Eden can ever show. How strange that in the present time no one....................

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The Heart and Soul of Iqbal

Many more worlds exist beyond the stars, Many more are the trials in love to overcome (Never you think) these skies are devoid of life, For there do tread hundreds of caravans Never be satisfied with the material world of color and fragrance, For there are many other gardens and....................

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The Heart and Soul of Iqbal

When flowers' bookshop opened in the garden, Mullah's bookish knowledge lost all value. The spring breeze was exhilarating, poise-breaking, the old man of Indrab burst into ghazal-singing. The tulip, of fiery skirt, said: it doth reveal the secrets of the soul. Who calls sleep awhile in the grave as eternal....................

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The Heart and Soul of Iqbal

When faith is born in these embers of ashes, It takes up the wings of the holy spirit Gabriel An enslaved mind is unworthy of the sword or the strategy, It is the ecstasy of belief and faith that cuts the chains Unimaginable is the power of his endeavor, The....................

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The Heart and Soul of Iqbal

Through Love the song of Life begets its rhythmic flow. From Love the shapes of clay derive an endless glow. Love makes its way to every tissue in human flesh, Like dew-laden morning breeze makes the flower fresh. Man, ignorant of the Sustainer, has to, on worldly kings, depend Reliant....................

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The Heart and Soul of Iqbal

Oh Saaqi!                                                                                                  ....................

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