The Heart and Soul of Iqbal

Oh Saaqi!                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Saaqi in Urdu poetry could mean a leader, a healer, an intoxicating beloved, a master)

Set out once more that cup, that wine, oh Saaqi – Let my place of honor at last be mine, oh Saaqi!

For three centuries India has nothing of intoxication to offer, And now is the time for your largesse to widely prosper, oh Saaqi;

My flask of wine was holding a few drops of my poetic beauty, Forbidden declared the Mullah, to leave it is my duty oh Saaqi.

Gone those lion-hearted from the field of enquiry and exploration, Instead have taken slaves (of Sufi and Mullah) their position oh Saaqi.

Taken away by who, the Love’s valiant sword? In the hands of knowledge remains an empty scabbard

When hearts are enlightened, poetry becomes a source of life, Not lighted up, it turns permenntly devoid of life oh Saaqi

You bereave not of its bright moon, my night; I see a full moon in your goblet shining with light, oh Saaqi